Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Whistle While you Work

Sooo I have this sister and I think she is allergic to cleanness. I asked her why she never cleanse her room and she said she didn't know how to do it. So I started to do I clean my room? Well first let me say it never gets super dirty because I am an organized freak (lets see how good that goes in college HA!)
So I let myself go this whole last week without cleaning up after myself in my room. I left clothing on the floor, I piled papers, didn't clean up makeup, it was nasty. After that I broke it down into steps! I thought it might be helpful if you or someone you know can't clean =) So your welcome

Things you will need:
Paper towels
garbage bag
room spray
laundry bin

Step 1:
Put music on. Music makes time pass a lot nicer than silence. It will distract you in the right way, you will be cleaning but singing so it feels less like work.

Step 2:
Clean off your bed (which is most likely unmade) just knock the stuff off onto the floor. I know that sounds backwards but go with me for a moment. After that make your bed. The bed is the largest flat surface in the bedroom excluding the floor. It will act as an organizing space.

Step 3:
Now if you are like me the thing that covers your room the most is clothing. This is because it is easy to just peal off an article of clothing and toss it on the ground. So put it all in the bin and place it on your bed. The floor will look much cleaner trust me. After that put shoes away in where ever you keep them. Personally I have a show rack on my door....because I have way to many shoes.

Step 4:
Pick a surface above the floor. I have a desk and a bed side table in my room. I start with the table because it is smaller and it is done quick. Make sure pens, pencils, and other things of that sort are kept together. Books belong on shelves! Wipe down the surfaces.

Step 4:
The Floor. Alright by now all surfaces are clean, bed is made and clothing is in a contained space. The floor can be covered with some weird miscellaneous things. What I do is put them into piles (electronics, hair stuff, makeup, jewelry, homework, etc.). The piles can be whatever works for you, but keep in mind all these things need a home. So make sure you have a place for all the clutter. Now the floor is clean and things are in piles. Put all the piles away in their places.

Step 5:
When I clean I realize that there is always something that does not belong to me in my room. Sister's shirt, brother's hat, whatever. I make a separate pile by the door for these things, I know I will not remember to take them out if I don't put them by the door.

Step 6:
Vacuum the darn floor! Just do it.

Step 7:
Clothing should be put into a clean pile or a dirty pile. Put the clean clothing away, then put the dirty stuff back in the bin. put the stuff you had put by the door atop the dirty clothing and take it out right away. This way it is one trip and easy to carry.

Step 8: So now the room is clean. Wipe windows, mirrors, and the like. Take out the trash, and TA-DA! Clean Room!

I hope this was helpful. There are so many ways to clean a room this is just how I do it. It has always worked for me. If you change it up cool good for you at least your cleaning ;)

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